Volans Logistics

As from March, 2016 Neptumar Russia was nominated as agent of VOLANS-LG in Russia to cover import and export traffic to/from St. Petersburg.

Volans Logistics was established based on many years of experience within the shipping and logistics business, with a special focus on breakbulk and project shipments from Europe to the West Coast of South America.

Volans offers a Liner Service called “The Condor Liner Service” which is operated together with NSC GROUP, a German maritime group based in Hamburg and specialized in vessel operations. The service was launched in order to cover the maritime route from North Europe (Germany, Belgium and Spain) to the West Coast of South America (mainly Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile) to offer a comprehensive and reliable solution for regular break bulk and project cargo.

The monthly service is performed by a fleet of modern multipurpose vessels between 12.000 dwat – 30.000 dwat with a crane capacity up to 300 mt.

Contact for Requests

Dmitry Marasin

Head of Project Department

7 (921) 950-31-33